Creating a Release (Text Instructions)

Creating a Release (Text Instructions)

Creating a Release in 4 Steps with Full-service Caster

Creating a Release with Caster is a 4-step process and is the foundation for getting your music out to verified tastemakers around the world! With the Release Creator, you’ll be able to compile your tracks, create a marketing email, and select who it goes to. In this walkthrough, we’ll show you how to customize your upload so that you can create the perfect Release!

Release Overview
When you first log on to Caster, you’ll be greeted with the Release Overview page.

The top section now displays any Releases you have that are currently a work in progress. If you’re looking to continue something you have started, navigate to the three dots to resume your Release.

The bottom section displays Releases that have been completed and published, or have been submitted to our Release Coordinators for assembly. The status column will tell you exactly what’s happening!

To begin a new Release, head to the top right button that says “Create new release”

1. Step 1 – Upload
In the first step, you’ll upload all the relevant files that are a part of your Release. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find a footer that includes several options.

Abandon release: This option will delete your Release entirely. Any work you have done for your Release will not be saved and cannot be recovered.
Save as draft:  This option can be used at any time to save your progress.
Save and continue: This option will move you to the next step. It is only available when all fields have been completed.
For further information about how to fill out all the fields in step 1, check out How to upload files and metadata.

2. Step 2 – Promote

In the second step, Promote, you’ll focus on crafting the email that will be sent out to your recipients announcing your Release. This page includes the settings for the email heading, date and time of send, but most importantly, the body of the email. You can also add in extra promotional tidbits to support the release of your track(s)!

Email and Notification Settings
*Sender’s name: The name of the account in which the email will come from 

*Email subject: The title of the email 

*Send date: The date in which the email will be sent out

*Send time: The time of day in which the email will be sent out

*Time zone: The time zone in which your track(s) will be made global

Promotional Information
This section can be used to include artist information, social media links, tour dates, contact information, and marketing plans - whatever context you would like included alongside your release.

For content that you would like to include as part of your promotional information, such as PDFs, documents, images, and other media, you can upload it as an attachment. Audio files are prohibited. 

Special Instructions
If your release requires special attention, please let our team know here. 

This marks the end of Step 2 – Promote. When all your fields are complete, proceed with Save and Continue. You will be able to return to this step at any given point to make changes, granted you have not submitted the release.

3. Step 3 - Distribute

In this final step, Distribute, you will be selecting the recipients for your release. You can select from Play MPE Packaged Lists, which are curated packages that contain recipients like terrestrial, internet, satellite programmers, record labels, promotion teams, and more. You also have the ability to upload your own custom list of recipients.

Selecting Packaged Lists
Add PlayMPE packaged lists by clicking on the Browse Lists button to open the packages menu. For more information about the menu, and available packages, view our documentation (How to Use Packaged Lists) or contact a release coordinator.

Upload Custom Lists – Download template
If you have your own list of recipients that you want to include for your release, you can upload them in this section. Please keep in mind that your document has to be formatted with a specific spreadsheet setup to ensure you are charged correctly and that your custom recipients have been properly added. You can download the template here

This section only accepts Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) or Comma Separated Values (.csv) as a valid input. To download the template in these extensions, you can go to File > Download.

Download permissions In the “Allow download?” section of Release Information, you can adjust your release’s distribution preferences. Stream and download provides recipients the ability to download your music for further consideration, while Stream only limits the recipients to previewing the track.

This marks the end of Step 4 – Distribute. When all your fields are complete, proceed to Review & Pay.

4. Step 4 - Review & Pay
Before you submit, please note that you will
not be able to make any changes past this point, so if you need to review any of the previous steps, you can take the time to do so now. Once you've reviewed your Release Summary details, enter your card information and click "Pay Now"

You can also use the Save as draft button located in the footer if you would like to submit at a later time.

Next steps

Once submitted, you can expect to hear from a Release Coordinator in the next 1 to 2 business days with your Release assembled for approval, which you can then review and request for changes if necessary. You will also receive your receipt of payment at that time.

At the same time, your Release will be moved into the Submitted Releases table with the status set to Pending. This will be updated as the Release Coordinator continues to work with you to publish your Release.

If you have any additional questions, please visit our
Support page or reach out to

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