Uploading and editing a Label Logo

Uploading and editing a Label Logo

Label logos are displayed in release emails and in the Play MPE® Player. You can upload or change a label logo by editing the label in the Record Labels section. Any existing logos will appear as smaller thumbnails in the Labels listing screen.

Steps to Upload or Edit a Label Logo

  1. In the Record Labels section, locate the label you want to edit.

  2. Click the three dots (⋮) menu next to the label name and select Edit.

  3. In the label editing screen, scroll down to the Label Logo section.

  4. Click the Browse link or drag and drop a .png or .jpg file that you want to use as the logo.

  5. The system will process the logo to fit the required dimensions for release emails and the player. The image size may appear different during processing.

  6. Once the logo has processed and appears, click Save.

The uploaded label logo will appear in any release emails created for that label and in the Play MPE® Player when the release is made available.

To replace a logo, click on the logo and browse for a new graphic.

Important Note:

For existing releases, it may take some time for the updated logo to sync across all networks before it appears in the Player.

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