Under CRTC rules radio stations in Canada must play a specified amount of domestic content. In Asset Creation individual tracks can be specified with MAPL criteria and when used in releases will show CanCon icons and CanCon metadata that can be ingested into a station's reporting.

Specifying MAPL criteria for tracks

  1. Create or Edit an Asset in Assets
  2. Click on an individual track
  3. Open up the track's Additional Information

    A CanCon button is available at the bottom.

  4. Click on the CanCon button to reveal the MAPL picking tool.

  5. Under the MAPL columns, click on the selector circles to choose which level of CanCon is correct for the track. 

    For more information on MAPL please read: https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/cancon.htm
  6. Click OK.

    A Maple Leaf icon will now appear beside the CanCon button so show other editors of the asset that CanCon information has been entered.

How CanCon information is shown to recipients

In email sends, a Maple Leaf icon will appear in Release Details and for each track that has been specified to have CanCon.

In the Player, the Maple Leaf icon will appear in Release Details and for each track.

How MAPL metadata is exposed

To get information on the various MAPL levels for each CanCon track, make sure that the .zip option is checked for downloading releases.

CanCon MAPL info will appear in the integration sidecar files (metadata info) that is generated in .zip packages.