Caster allows you to resend an email associated with a release. Please follow the steps below on how to do that.

If you are looking to make changes in the release before resending, please follow the steps below:

1) Log into the Caster.
2) Click the 3 dots next to the release you want to resend.
3) Make the changes in Step 1 or Step 3.
4) Go to Contacts (Step 4).
3.) On the schedule card, select the send update icon

3) Set the Send Date, Time and timezone.

4) Select the list/ lists you want to send to. If you want to select all lists, just select the check box header on the first column.

5) Select Resend and Confirm.

6) Go to Step 5 and Publish.

If you are looking to resend as is - no changes in copy or release info, please follow the steps below. If you have multilpe assignments, it is better to schedule a resend from Step 4.

1) Log into
2) Click the 3 dots next to the release and select Resend.
3) Set the Send Date, Time and timezone.

4) Select the list/ lists you want to send to. If you want to select all lists, just select the check box header on the first column.

5) Select Resend and Confirm.