Viewing Release Information

Viewing Release Information

Labels populate release details to engage recipients, encouraging them to promote their artists and gain airplay. Interested recipients can access comprehensive information about the artist and their release, download electronic press kits, graphics, lyrics, and save metadata for radio scheduling or reporting.

Accessing Release Information

Anywhere in the interface, clicking the i button will take you to the Release Information screen for that particular release. 

Promotion details

By default, the Promotion Details are displayed in the right panel from the release information page, which can be expanded.

Once you expand the promotion details, the top pane displays the labels responsible for the release. You can scroll down to see all the additional Promotion details. You can copy and save any text or graphics from this popup. To close the popup, click the X.

Release Summary

The top right pane replicates key details from the Release Summary, including mini album art, available date, impact date, and formats.
At the bottom you have the options to download all the release in zip format, either in WAV or MP3. At the bottom right of the pane, some labels may add the contact button for you to contact the label directly. You can also find the release controls such as to Add to a Playlist, Flag or Archive the release.

If you hover on the album art, you can expand it to see an album art preview. Click the X to close the album art preview.

Track List Tab

From this tab, you can browse the release’s tracklist, which displays in the format: Artist - Track Title (Version) - Market Icon - Track Time.
At the top of the track list, the icon shows a counter of the number of tracks available.
A vertical slider allows for easy scrolling through the tracks.

To play an individual track, hover over it and click the play icon. To play the entire release, click the Play All button above.
The three-dot menu (⋮) provides additional actions:
  1. Download in WAV or MP3.
  2. Add to Playlist of your choice.
  3. Play next: Insert the selected track below the currently playing track in the queue.
  4. Play later: Add the selected track to the end of the queue.

Metadata Tab

For more detailed content, click on the Metadata tab. This section provides the track details and overview for each track. You can click on the little arrow at the right of each track to expand it, or click on "Expand all" to see the information for all of the tracks.

You can copy the text or download it as a PDF or CSV by clicking the Download button (available on Desktop). This will generate and save a PDF or CSV of the information.

 Attachments Tab

To download any included files with the release, click the Attachments tab. This expands to show all available attachment files.
The Attachments icon displays a counter indicating the number of files included (up to a maximum of five).
When expanded, this section shows filenames alongside appropriate file type icons, with a vertical slider for navigation.
Click on any file to download it, or click Download all to get all of the files, following your browser’s standard file download path.

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