Extracting Labels from an existing Share Schedule

Extracting Labels from an existing Share Schedule

If you have already published a share schedule to several labels and want to then separate sharing to certain labels so that they have different options on the same release you can do this by extracting a label. This will create a new share specifically for that label preserving the same options and release.

Extracting a label from an existing share schedule

  1. in Release Sharing find the share schedule you wish to split and click Edit

    The Release Share Schedule will show what labels were selected to share the release.

  2. Find the label you wish to split out and click Extract.

    A popup will ask you to confirm this. 

  3. Click the Extract button to confirm.

    That label will be removed from the current Release Share Schedule.

  4. Go back to Release Sharing. You will see a new Release Share Schedule at the top of your list of schedules.

    It will have "Extracted:" appended to its original name to help you find it easier.

  5. Click Edit to view that new schedule. You will now be able to adjust that schedule as needed.

Note: if you just want to remove a label from an existing share schedule, follow these steps.

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