Removing/deleting a schedule

You can delete a schedule by clicking the trash icon in the schedule card. 

What will removing an assignment do?

If you have not clicked Publish, any new Assignments you have created are in Draft and nothing will be distributed unless published. Removing any new assignment has no consequence.

Any assignment which is Scheduled (none of its time criteria is past) may be removed and distribution can be stopped. *

An assignment that is Published (one of its time criteria is past) may still have some of its distribution modified.

Email is pending
Removing will stop the email from being sent to the selected lists
Email is sent
You cannot un-send an email. The link in the email to the player will be inactive.
Availability is pending
Removing will prevent those recipients from seeing it in their Player
Availability is past
It will remain in their Player unless you delete the release.


* Server processes and timing may not be exact across all world regions. To stop distribution entirely, it's best to Suspend the release.