Add an Asset to Another

Add an Asset to Another

In some cases, you may want to combine assets or enhance an existing release. Examples include:

  • Creating a combined release or a compilation from tracks across different releases.
  • Adding a new version of a track to an existing album.

Note: This feature is currently limited to single-track additions.

How to Add an Asset to Another

  1. In the Assets section, find the asset you wish to update.
  2. Click the ⋮ (action menu) next to the asset and select Add to.
  1. This page will display the asset you’re modifying and a list of all available assets you can choose from.

  1. Click Select from the last column next to each asset you want to add to the original asset.
  2. Note: Once selected, an asset will be marked as updated and cannot be selected again.
  3. Click Close to return to the Assets section.
  4. Open the original asset to review your changes. Any assets you added will appear at the bottom of the playlist, including their existing metadata.

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