Chrome browser crashes when downloading releases on PC

Chrome browser crashes when downloading releases on PC

While downloading a release on your PC, you noticed that your Chrome browser is taking up a lot of System memory and eventually crashes. You may get an error message that says: "Oh snap!"

To solve that, please follow the steps below.

1) Make sure that you are still logged into the Play MPE® Player.
2) Press F12 on your keyboard to open the Developer Tools.
3) In the developer tools section, go to Application tab.

4) Select Storage and then clear site data.

5) Expand Local Storage, right click on and clear it.

6) Expand Session Storage, right click on and clear it.

6) Expand Indexed DB, click on and then select delete database.

7) Expand Cookies, right click on and clear it.

8) Close the developer tools (x on the upper right hand section of the browser).

9) Log out of the Play MPE® Player from here:

10) Log into the Play MPE® Player.

11) Try to download the release again.
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