Adding labels to your release in Email Builder
You can add additional marketing labels to your release and show
their label icons in your release email by editing the label element in
Email Builder.
In Email Builder, go to the Element Blocks on the right side and click the Labels icon.
This will launch the Label picker.
By default the Owner label is already selected as the first label.
To change the existing label to another, click the Change button beside that label.
This will open up the label picker panel.
Click on any of the blue labels to pick them.
It will be added to the label list.
Click OK in the label list to adopt the changes.
In the layout the logos will change to reflect the label additions or changes.
- To add additional labels, click the Add Marketing Label to pick another label (up to five labels are allowed).
Changing the order of the labels
The order of the labels as they are arranged left to right can be
changed in the Labels element block by clicking on the movement handles
for the label and moving them up or down. The top most label will appear
on the left in order. Press OK when done.
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